AP Studio Art
Concentrations in Drawing or 2-D Design
Grades 11-12
The AP Studio Art Drawing and 2-D Design courses are designed for students who are seriously interĀested in the practical experience of art and wish to develop mastery in the concept, composition, and execution of their ideas. Over the course of the semester, students will assemble a body of artwork in Drawing or 2-D Design that demonstrates a high level of quality and growth over time in content, technique, and process. In building the portfolio, students experience a variety of concepts, techniques, media, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their abilities as well as their versatility with specific techniques, problem solving, and ideation. Students will address the three components in their portfolios: quality, breadth, and concentration. Toward the end of the school year, students will prepare and submit their portfolios to the College Board for evaluation.
Prerequisite: Studio Art IV or Permission of Instructor
Grades 11-12
The AP Studio Art Drawing and 2-D Design courses are designed for students who are seriously interĀested in the practical experience of art and wish to develop mastery in the concept, composition, and execution of their ideas. Over the course of the semester, students will assemble a body of artwork in Drawing or 2-D Design that demonstrates a high level of quality and growth over time in content, technique, and process. In building the portfolio, students experience a variety of concepts, techniques, media, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their abilities as well as their versatility with specific techniques, problem solving, and ideation. Students will address the three components in their portfolios: quality, breadth, and concentration. Toward the end of the school year, students will prepare and submit their portfolios to the College Board for evaluation.
Prerequisite: Studio Art IV or Permission of Instructor